How Can You Treat Uterine Prolapse While Maintaining Your Fertility?

Posted on: 28 January 2016

If you've recently been diagnosed with uterine prolapse, you may be concerned about the long-term ramifications of this medical condition -- particularly if you're not sure you're ready to say goodbye to your childbearing years. What treatment options can help prevent your prolapse from recurring without compromising your ability to carry future children? Will pregnancy put you in danger? Read on to learn more about some treatment options that won't impact your fertility.

What causes uterine prolapse?

Uterine prolapse occurs when the muscles and fibrous connective tissues that hold your uterus into place are weakened or torn, allowing your uterus to slip or sag down into your cervix. Although you'll likely feel a great deal of pain or discomfort as soon as your uterus begins to move out of position, for those whose prolapse is related to a recent childbirth or other pelvic procedure, the first sign of trouble may reveal itself in the form of your uterus starting to protrude from your vagina. 

There are a variety of causes behind the muscle weakening that can lead to prolapse. Multiple pregnancies within a short span of time can cause these muscles to stretch and contract repeatedly without being given time to heal and recuperate. In other cases, chronic constipation or hemorrhoids can put additional pressure on your uterus, forcing it out of place. 

How can you treat uterine prolapse without impacting your ability to conceive? 

Treating a severe prolapse can often mean surgery to help reform the muscles and ligaments that hold your uterus in place. Unfortunately, this surgery can often render subsequent pregnancies so dangerous as to require the use of a permanent form of birth control or even tubal ligation. 

However, for mild or moderate prolapse, there are a few options that shouldn't compromise your fertility. The first is the use of a device that affixes to your cervix from the inside (like a diaphragm or cervical cap), preventing your uterus from protruding. While you'll need to remove this device to conceive (and during your OB/GYN exams and the birthing process itself), it can be a great way to help prevent future prolapses without resorting to surgery.

Another method involves the placement of a soft plastic mesh inside your pelvis. This mesh surrounds your uterus like a hammock to hold it in place, and it can expand during pregnancy so that it poses no harm to your unborn child. For those whose prolapse is likely due to rapid consecutive pregnancies, this may be the best option to prevent prolapse during your next pregnancy. To learn more, speak with a business like Women's Health Associate - Gilbert A Shamas MD.
