The Benefits Of Regular Screenings Or Exams With Your Gynecologist

Posted on: 15 February 2023

A woman's reproductive health can play a large role in her overall health. An exam or screening with your gynecologist on a regular basis can provide peace of mind but also provide a number of key benefits and opportunities. Here's why you should see your gynecologist for a gynecology exam at least once a year.

Screening for STI

A gynecologist can provide testing for a number of sexually-transmitted infections. Even if you don't think you have an STI, it's always a good idea to get a regular test. Some STIs, like HPV, might not be immediately noticeable without professional testing. You owe it to yourself and your sexual partner to keep up with a regular schedule for this testing.

Opportunity to Discuss Pain or Problems

Have you been experiencing any kind of pelvic pain? Have you missed a period or experienced irregularity? A visit to the gynecologist is an opportunity to speak freely about subjects you likely don't talk about often, if ever, with other people. If something in relation to your reproductive health is ailing you, your gynecologist will be able to diagnose the problem and point you toward a solution so that you can improve your health and your day-to-day life.

Pap Smear Testing

The pap smear test is a test for cervical cancer. The Mayo Clinic suggests that women ages 21 to 65 should get a pap smear test done once every three years. This test can serve as an early warning and allow you to get treatment as soon as possible. Note that some gynecology offices also offer to test for breast cancer, which is also a good idea to get done on a regular basis.

Opportunity to Discuss Birth Control

A visit to the gynecologist is an opportunity to discuss birth control and the various options when it comes to contraceptives. You could also let your doctor know if you are planning on getting pregnant anytime soon, as he or she can help you strategize the right time to stop your birth control and begin planning for your pregnancy.

Form a Relationship With Regular Appointments

Reproductive or sexual healthy can be a sensitive topic for some women, but that's why it's important to go and see your gynecologist on a regular basis. With regular visits, you will begin to feel more comfortable during the exam or screening and you'll also be able to speak more freely with someone you've grown to trust. Contact a local gynecologist today to get started.
