Three Warning Signs Of A Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Posted on: 1 August 2023

Although it can seem quite serious and concerning, a pelvic organ prolapse is a condition that your gynecologist can treat in a few different ways. While exercises might help in some cases, surgery is always an option to consider in the future. This condition involves one of the organs in your pelvic region descending into your vaginal area, and can sometimes occur in people who have given birth one or more times. If you notice any warning signs of a pelvic organ prolapse, contact your gynecologist to arrange an appointment. Here are three signs of this condition.

Full Feeling In Your Vagina

The distance that a pelvic organ can descend into your vagina varies from case to case, but this change in your body often causes you to experience a "full" feeling in your vagina. For example, you might feel as though some type of mass is present in this area. If the pelvic organ has descended a lot, you might even be able to feel its presence when you use a tampon. This feeling can obviously be a concern, which is why it's important to see your gynecologist.

Discomfort During Intercourse

The presence of a pelvic organ in your vaginal area may not cause any significant discomfort during the majority of your daily activities. In some cases, however, you might not even be aware of it until you have intercourse. Because of the organ's new position, it can make sexual activity painful. The sensation will be different than usual for both you and your partner, which can be another warning sign that something has changed in this part of your body. It's best to avoid intercourse until you've had a gynecologist assess you and determine that you're indeed experiencing a pelvic organ prolapse.

Changes To Urinary Habits

Another indicator that you could have a pelvic organ prolapse is one or more changes to your urinary habits. The exact changes that you experience will vary based on the severity of the condition, as well as which organ has descended. You might feel as though it's often difficult to completely empty your bladder when you urinate, which can leave you making repeat visits to the bathroom throughout the day and constantly feeling at least a mild urge to urinate. You might even experience some level of urinary incontinence, possibly resulting in occasional accidents. Reach out to a gynecology physician if you have one or more of these indicators of a pelvic organ prolapse.
